When Did the Flip Phone Come According to iPhone 12 Flip?

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Old or New iPhone Techonology

Is iPhone still the leader when it comes to innovation with implementing flip phone.  You haven’t heard of the iPhone 12 Flip? Well, that’s because it isn’t a real thing. But a concept video from the Youtube channel ConceptsiPhone makes us wish it was.

For one thing, a foldable iPhone would capitalize on the popularity of nostalgia-driven flip concepts like those from Motorola and Samsung. Flip phones are slick-looking gadgets, easy to slip into a pocket, and much easier to store when space is at an absolute premium.

The concept video put forth by ConceptsiPhone theorizes that an iPhone 12 Flip would have an external screen capable of being used when the phone is closed. We love the idea of notifications and metrics being accessible at a glance – similar to smartwatch functionality. This feature is cribbed from the Motorola RAZR, though, so who’s to say if Apple, with its long history of innovation, would go this direction?

Apple certainly holds the patent on a few foldable technologies, but that’s no indication they’ll ever actually bring a product to market, and foldable technology is still pretty problematic – particularly with regards to durability, glass clarity, and cold temperatures. Still, if anyone can solve those problems to make the tech desirable for the American masses, it’s Apple. Let’s see what the next few years bring!

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